Reardan Mule Days Poker Ride & Crazy 8 Ride

Join us on 06/07/2025

Reardan Mule Days Poker Ride & Crazy 8 Ride Event Description


Ride Information

Date: First Sunday in June
Registration Starts: 1:30
Ride Starting at: 2:00 pm
Ending at: 4:30 pm Prizes at 4:45 pm
Dinner Following Prizes

Ride Location: Reardan WA
Starting and Finishing at the Reardan Baseball Fields

3rd Annual Adult Poker Ride and  Crazy 8 Ride

Entry Fee includes Ride and Dinner:   18 and older Poker Ride – $25.00   ***   under 18 Crazy 8 Ride – $10.00

Ride starting time:  2:00 p.m.           Ride ending time:   4:30 p.m.

Scoring of Game Sheets and Awards Starting at 4:45 p.m.  —  Dinner at the finish site after awards

Location for the starting and finishing:  Reardan High School Baseball Fields on Old Hwy 2 just East of Reardan.

You don’t need to know a great deal about either card game to take part, other than what beats what in the scoring and even that is done by the Dealers. Essentially the Mule-Horse Ride is an excuse to Ride around and to have a good time at the Dealer route stops.

Riders meet at a pre-arranged Start Check point (Reardan HS Baseball Fields) and pick up details of their route and the stops they need to make. Each Rider is given a Game Sheet which will be filled in as they progress along the route. At each designated stop, the Rider draws a card at random. The card drawn is recorded by the Dealer on each Rider’s Game Sheet, and the winner of the Ride is the Rider who makes the best Game Sheet Hand at the end of the event.

The event will end at 4:30 at the designated “last stop” of the route, along with ranking of the Game Sheets and the awarding of the prizes will start at 4:45.

Ground Rules:  Decisions of the Dealers are final!

* The first thing to stress is that although this is a “Ride”, there are no prizes for speed – it does not matter who is first to complete the course. It is not a race.

* The winning hand is determined by standard Poker Hand rankings or standard Crazy 8 points.  Deck “wild cards” will not be used (removed from the deck).

* There will be a deck of cards at each station, you will draw your own card then the Dealer will record the card drawn on your Game Sheet.

* If a player draws a card that they already have,the player must re-draw. NO one player can have any cards that are duplicates (if you draw the seven of clubs and you already have the seven of clubs on your Game Sheet, then you must put the card back and re-draw another card).  * Decision of the Dealers are final *

* Each Rider must have a Game Sheet, and this must be filled in by the Dealers, not by the Rider. In order to ensure there are no disputes about what cards a Rider actually drew there needs to be a clear record of each card drawn. It is the Riders’ responsibility to check their score sheet before leaving each checkpoint, to ensure that the card they drew is correctly recorded on their score sheet. ** Recorded card by Dealers are final **

* The Game Sheet will make it easy for both the Riders and the Dealers to clearly see duplicate cards and which hand is the best.

* In case of a tie, there will be a draw for High Card to determine the winner. ALL Decisions of the Dealers are FINAL!

* IF playing more than one hand, the Rider must present the appropriate Game Sheet to be marked BEFORE each card is drawn.

* Players are allowed to buy one extra card draw, at the final stop before the Game Card is turned in.  If you so dare, do you want to “pay” the price of $5? (example: pick the card you want to replace and then draw your new card)

Get ready for the Reardan Mule Days Poker Ride & Crazy 8 Ride

Event Countdown

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add event to calendar    Add to my calendar 2025-06-07 14:00:00 2025-06-07 14:00:00 America/Denver Reardan Mule Days Poker Ride & Crazy 8 Ride Reardan, WA Ryan Rett

    Reardan Mule Days Poker Ride & Crazy 8 Ride Where & When

  • Location: Reardan, WA 99029
  • Event Date: 2025/06/07 02:00:00 PM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • 18 and Older
    • 17 & Under

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  • Join us at the Reardan Mule Days Poker Ride & Crazy 8 Ride in June for a great event. The Reardan Mule Days Poker Ride & Crazy 8 Ride works hard to deliver you a memorable event experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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