test event herriman

Join us on 06/15/2025

(event date estimated)

test event herriman Description

This is a pickleball tournament designed for the whole family.  There are (3) brackets for participation: Kids (12 and under), Beginners (Ages 13+ with a pickleball rating equal or less than 2.0), Advanced (Ages 19+ with a pickleball rating of 2.5+).

Join in the fun and win great prizes from The Sports Connection!

Registration will be open until all team slots are filled.  There will be 16 teams per bracket, and teams must register together.

Each team is made up of 2 people. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams in each bracket. Registration is done as a team and is $40 per team. (Price includes a t-shirt for each team member.)

Get ready for the test event herriman

    test event herriman Where & When

  • Location: Herriman, UT 84096
  • Event Date: 2024/06/15 10:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Youth Bracket
    • Beginner Bracket
    • Advanced Bracket

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Herriman, UT Weather

Herriman, UT current weather
  • Clear 34.7℉ Clear

  • Join us at the test event herriman in June for a great event. The test event herriman works hard to deliver you a memorable event experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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