Buckboard Marina at Flaming Gorge
I recognize that there is an element of risk in any adventure, sport, or activity associated
with the outdoors. I am fully cognizant of the risks and dangers inherent in Fishing Derby
and have been informed of known special hazards in such activity. A copy of a notice of
such hazards is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and I, and the adult members of
my family, have read the same. I certify that my family and I, including minor children,
are fully capable of participating in the said activity. Therefore, I assume full
responsibility for personal injury to myself and/or to members of my family, or for loss or
damage to my personal property and expenses thereof as a result of my negligence or the
negligence of my family participating in said activity except to the extent such damage or
injury may be due to the negligence of Buckboard Marina. I further understand that
Buckboard Marina reserves the right to refuse any person it judges to be incapable of
meeting the rigors and requirements of participating in Fishing Contest.
I have read, understand, and accept the terms and conditions stated herein and
acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective and binding upon the parties during
the entire period of participation of the said activity.