The Fort Herriman Towne Days
The purpose of the Fort Herriman Towne Days Parade is to celebrate the Herriman community. This is a free community event for all spectators and occurs only through the generous participation of parade entries like you. To promote a safe environment, please review the below requirements, rules, and application processes before completing your application.
You will need to provide the following to submit your application:
1. A primary contact person, with their email and cell phone number, who will be the person coordinating all aspects of the entry. This contact person must be present the day of the parade and be responsible for ensuring all entry participants will abide by the parade rules and procedures. If the primary contact person must change, the initial contact person is responsible for notifying the Herriman City Events Department of the
change and providing the new contact person’s email and cell phone number.
2. A clear and detailed description of your entry, performances, or actions of all accompanying participants
3. If music will be included in your entry
4. A brief description of organization/entry to be read by parade announcer. Please keep scripts to 100 words or less.
5. No Entry can participate in the parade without first paying the entry fee in full.
Applications that are incomplete, unlawful, dangerous, defamatory, obscene, or vulgar, or could be disruptive to parade participants or spectators will not be accepted. Herriman City reserves the right to deny entry or remove a participant for any reason, at any time.
The Herriman City Events Department will review and evaluate each submitted application to ensure all requirements are met. Any applications deemed incomplete or lacking the needed requirements will be notified by the Herriman City Events Department and a refund will be issued.
Application deadline is June 02, 2025.
Parade entry fee: $75.00
Non-Profit entry fee: NO FEE, pending verification
1. Number of Entries: The Fort Herriman Towne Days Parade will consist of no more than 75 entries.
2. Staging, Inspection, and Final Approval of Entries: All entries must arrive at the staging area no less 90 minutes prior to the parade start time at 10am. All entries will be inspected and given final approval for participation. If Herriman City, Herriman Police Department, or Unified Fire Authority deems an entry unsafe, the entry will be disqualified and not allowed to participate in the parade.
3. Behavior and Activities During the Parade: Any behavior or activity during the parade by an entry, including any person participating as part of the entry, that is unlawful, dangerous, defamatory, obscene, or vulgar, or which is disruptive to parade participants or spectators will be disqualified and escorted off the parade route.
4. Vehicles: All vehicles or combination of vehicles, that have a manufacturer’s weight rating (GVWR or GCWR) over 26,000 lbs, including semi-trucks and big rigs will be excluded from the parade route.
5. Distribution of Literature or Other Items: The distribution of items along the parade route has become a concern. To eliminate trash along the parade route and promote safety, distribution of advertisements, literature, and paper promotional materials are not allowed (balls, frisbees, etc are permitted).
6. Distribution of Candy: Candy may be distributed along the parade route. If possible, entries should have walkers distribute candy by handing it to spectators. If candy is being thrown from vehicles, it must be thrown far enough to reach the viewing area and not in the street.
7. Signage: Assigned entry numbers will be passed out to each parade entry. The sign must be affixed to the entry in such a way as to be clearly visible from the front to both sides of the street throughout the duration of the parade.
8. Campaigning: Any political parade entry will be organized in the parade lineup alphabetically by last name.
9. Drivers: Drivers must be able to control their vehicles. Drivers should not conduct any other activities other than driving during the parade. If adequate sight-lines are not available, the entry must provide safety personnel who have adequate communications with the driver in order to ensure the safety of all entry participants and spectators. The entry primary contact person is responsible to see that the driver and any required safety personnel have adequate skills, experience, and training to perform their duties.
10. Proof of Insurance: Vehicles shall have proof of insurance in terms and coverage satisfactory to the City, and such proof shall be kept in the vehicle at all times on the date of the parade and presented to the City up request and will be provided on day of event to enter parade.
11. Riders: Precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of all riders. Riders are required to remain on the entry at all times. The rider must remain seated and is not allowed to enter or exit the entry during the duration of the parade, whether the vehicle is moving or stopped.
12. Walkers: The parade route is a minimum of 2 miles long. All walkers should be prepared to walk the distance of the parade route and be equipped with water, sunscreen, and the proper footwear. Walkers must be of appropriate age (suggested age is 8 years or older) and understand the rules of the parade to be a walker. Walkers are NOT PERMITTED to walk on the side of the vehicles at any time for any reason. Any entry that has walkers must provide safety personnel to ensure that walkers remain behind the entry at all times. Care must be taken by all participants to NOT draw spectators from the viewing area into ANY PORTION of the street assigned to the parade route.
13. Animals: Animals shall not be brought to or included in the parade, or in or on any vehicle or trailer in the parade, without prior written approval by the City. Animal groups are responsible for cleaning up excrement that may surface. All dogs must be on a leash.
14. Line-up of Parade: Details concerning where to assemble, and other parade instructions will be emailed out approximately 7 days prior to the date of the parade. This preliminary information will be emailed to the entry’s primary contact person, as defined on the Parade Entry Application. Arrival times must be strictly adhered to. Late arrivals may be denied participation/or placed at the end of the parade.
15. Speed, Spacing and Flow of Parade: Large gaps between entries are unacceptable and diminish the spectator’s enjoyment of the parade. Entries should be aware of gaps in front of the entry and maintain proper pace and distance from preceding entries.
16. Violation of Rules: It is the responsibility of each entry’s primary contact person to ensure that every entry participant is aware of and agrees to comply with these parade rules and procedures. Parade entries and their participants who fail to comply with these rules will lose the opportunity to participate in the parade and may be asked to leave the day of the event.