Registration and Ticketing Growth Tools


Stride Events offers registration software and online ticketing to help events of all kinds. Stride Events has also created great marketing tools to help grow your event. We know how important it is to grow your event from year to year. Our growth tools can help you gain more attendees, more donations, more merchandise sales, more volunteers, and more sponsorships. 

Referral System

The most effective way to grow an event is by word of mouth. Our referral program is a great way to get your event out to more people. When you utilize the referral system a person that registers or purchases a ticket automatically is sent a unique link in their confirmation email to sign people up with. This link can be shared with their family and friends, and they will get a credit back to the payment method they used when they paid for your event. Your participants and attendees will have a great incentive to share your event for you. The incentive can be set up as a dollar amount or a percentage. You could even offer the people who get the shared link a discount as well.

When this feature is on, the confirmation email will say “Attend for FREE When You Refer Friends”. It then shows them exactly how much they will get back when a particular amount of people use their referral link. We include all the social buttons in their confirmation email that automatically have an event image and their unique link built it.  That means with a simple click of a button your attendees can earn money back and dramatically increase your attendance at your event.

To set up this feature, go to your Stride Events dashboard, then “Growth Tools” and “Referral System”. This page will show all of the categories for your event and you can customize how you want to incentivize your customers. Once people start using their link it will show you who has referred who and how it’s being used.

Social Discounts

Social media is one of the best ways to get your event out there. Many people are influenced by the things they see on social media. If one of your attendees shares that they are attending your event, it could attract several of their friends to also attend your event. One social media post has the potential to be seen by hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. This is a great way to attract more attendees or participants.

Most platforms may only get a 1% click rate on their social media integration. OUr social media integration is upgraded from other platforms in that it allows you to offer a discount when people share.  By adding evn just $1 off when people share you will see on average over 30% of your attendees share.  This is over 30 times more shares than you will receive without the use of a discount. As a director, you can customize the details of the discount such as how much you are wanting to offer for sharing. You can also customize the title, post, and image that will appear on the post. You can also control where people are directed to when they click on the post.  You will also see stats on how many people have shared, and how many people clicked on the post at Facebook and were directed to your link.

Promo Codes

We all love a good deal. That is why we have software that allows you to customize promo codes for your participants to use. This allows you to incentivize participants to buy tickets or participate in your event. The promo codes can be customized by you, for example: a promo code like “FamilyFriend20” could be offered to your family and friends. It can be customized to give a 20% discount when that code ist typed into the transaction. You can upload thousands of one-time use codes, or keep it simple with multi-use codes.  The codes can be specific to one category or event time, or they can work on anything in your event.  You can even have your promo codes work on your merchandise sales if you so choose.

Corporate Discount 

Another great feature we have to offer are Corporate Discounts. These can be set up to benefit companies who are sponsoring your event, or for large employers in your area. These discounts can get the attention of a lot of people to purchase tickets or participate in your event. When you set up this feature, you can upload emails from the organization so that when those who are registering with that email automatically get the discount. For example if you have Intel as a sponsor you may want every email address that ends in to get a discount. Only people who have that domain in their email can claim the promo codes and we also make sure it can only be claimed once per email. You have control of exactly how many promo codes you will allow each employee to have which allows you to decide if only the employee can have a discount, or if you will allow family members as well. Our system makes all of this possible when that feature is turned on. This is also a great way to incentivize companies to sponsor your event.

Group Discount

We also have a feature you can use that can incentivize groups of people to sign up together. You could set it up to be, 10% off when four or more people sign up under the same order. These discount amounts and minimum participants required for the group discount are totally customizable. 

Incomplete Emailer 

Life happens and people get busy. This also can occur when attendees/participants are in the middle of their transaction and they are whisked away to do something else. We have a feature that will automatically send those people an email to remind them to finish up the transaction. The email they receive contains a link that will take them directly back to their cart. This is a great way to re-engage these attendees/participants to complete. On average, we have seen about 20% of the abandoned carts get completed with our incomplete registration reminder feature. The feature is great, because the customer does not have to start their order over.  In addition to having the reminder it brings them right back to where they left off.

Countdown Clock With Email Reminder

You can create your ticketing or registration form before you want your ticket sales and registration to open. You can have a countdown clock appear on your unopened page showing exactly when online ticketing and/or registration will be open. You can also collect potential customers' email addresses and send them a reminder when your form opens. Our system automatically sends out the notice when the form opens, so that you don’t have to do anything.  This list can build throughout the year and can be very useful for your event. You have traffic all year, so why not take advantage of building up your email list from that traffic while they are not able to pay to attend your event. Sometimes your customers might not remember exactly when your form will open, so sending them the reminder is a great way to re-engage.

Mass Mail

Since attendees and participants can enter their email address when they purchase tickets or register, you also have the opportunity to communicate via email. We have created a mass mailer for you to email all of your attendees/participants at once. You can also email your customers from previous years. It is very important to communicate with your runners to keep them updated on all of the race’s information. You can use this to offer promo codes, remind them of events coming up, and even if the event has to change in any way. Customers always appreciate communication and it is a great way to keep customers throughout the years. We also have a setting you can select to not email people that are already signed up in the current or future years.  Your customer will appreciate not being constantly reminded to purchase from you when they already have. 

Start growing your event today with Stride Events!




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