27th Annual Legislative Luncheon

Join us on 04/26/2025

(event date estimated)

27th Annual Legislative Luncheon Event Description


The Legislative Luncheon will highlight the continued efforts to advocate for public policy that supports the developmental disability community while understanding the importance of working with elected officials to support our community.

The Legislative Luncheon will also feature a few dynamic advocates who will speak about the abilities of individuals with developmental disabilities, the importance of advocating for our community, and the need to support programs that support individuals with developmental disabilities.

San Andreas Regional Center is a nonprofit, community-based organization contracted by the State of California serving well over 18,500 individuals with developmental intellectual disabilities within Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties.

Who Should Attend: Elected Officials, Legislative Staff, Individuals with Disabilities, Service Providers, Direct Support Staff, Disability Advocates, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Education Professionals, Parents and family members who have a loved one with a developmental disability.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available - Agency Logo's will included in the program. 

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    27th Annual Legislative Luncheon Where & When

  • Location: Campbell, CA 95008
  • Event Date: 2024/04/26 11:00:00 AM (Friday)
  • Categories:
    • Gold Sponsor - 8 Guests
    • Silver Sponsor - 4 Guests
    • Individual Ticket
    • Bronze Sponsor - 8 Guests

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  • Join us at the 27th Annual Legislative Luncheon in April for a great event. The 27th Annual Legislative Luncheon works hard to deliver you a memorable event experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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