Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally

Join us between 08/13 - 08/16/2025

Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally Event Description

Calling all Dirt Bike enthusiasts! Vernal, Utah has some of the most scenic and challenging dirt bike trails in the state of Utah. Test your skills and explore Ashley National Forest on trails through the rocky mountain terrain. During the Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally riders will be able to enjoy daily guided trail rides that will be customized to your skill level. Daily trails will range from intermediate to expert difficulty. Guides will choose the routes that will best match the skill level of the riders to provide the best experience. 30 minute trailering is required to trailhead. Rides will take approximately 4 to 6 hours. Helmets are required and all other personal safety equipment is recommended. Pack your hydro packs, snacks and/or lunch with you. 

 Due to the difficulty of the trails, there is a minimum age requirement of 16 years old. Minors will need to be accompanied by a parent and/or guardian and a waiver signed by a parent and/or guardian of said minor to be able to participate. 


 Included with registration: Event t-shirt, daily prize drawings, and dinner on Friday.


Uintah County offers more than just a ride -- there are opportunities to fish, camp, hike, bike, Native American petroglyphs, outlaw history, and dinosaurs! While here make time to visit: Dinosaur National Monument, Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum, Red Fleet Reservoir State Park, Steinaker Reservoir State Park, and McConkie Ranch.




Thursday, August 14th 

6:00pm - 8:00pm        Rider Check-in            Colton Pavilion  (355 North 900 West, Vernal, UT)


Friday, August 15th 

7:00am - 8:00am        Rider Check-in             Colton Pavilion (355 North 900 West, Vernal, UT)

8:00am - 8:30am        Prize Drawing & Ride Announcements  

8:30am                       Depart to Trailheads

8:30am - 2:30pm        Rides

3:30pm - 5:30pm        Motocross Race Track         4796 East Diamond Mountain HWY, Vernal, UT

6:30pm - 7:30pm        BBQ Dinner at Remember the Maine Park (4250 N 3500 W, Vernal, UT)


Saturday, August 15th 

7:00am - 8:00am        Rider Check-in             Colton Pavilion (355 North 900 West, Vernal, UT)

8:00am - 8:30am        Prize Drawing & Ride Announcements  

8:30am                       Depart to Trailheads

8:30am - 2:30pm        Rides

Get ready for the Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally

Event Countdown

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add event to calendar    Add to my calendar 2025-08-16 08:00:00 2025-08-16 08:00:00 America/Denver Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally Vernal, UT Bridget Lake outlawdirtbikerally@gmail.com

    Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally Where & When

  • Location: Vernal, UT 84078
  • Event Dates: 08/13 - 08/16/2025
  • Categories:
    • Dirt Bike Rider -- 2 Day Pass (Friday & Saturday)
    • Youth Outlaw Dirt Bike Rider 2 Day Pass (Under 17)

Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally Sponsors

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Vernal, UT Weather

Vernal, UT current weather
  • Clear 45.9℉ Clear

  • Join us at the Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally in August for a great event. The Outlaw Dirt Bike Rally works hard to deliver you a memorable event experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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